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Age: Unknown

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 132 lbs.

Birthday: Unknown

Hometown: Unknown

Skill: Mimic

Treasure: Funny, colorful clothes

Likes: Mimicing

Low HP Attack: X-Meteor

Uses: Gogo is very good because he can do the same as what the previous character has done in a battle. Plus, you can set him three other skills, making him able to use any ability.

Weaknesses: Although he can use any ability, they aren't as powerful as when they are used by the normal characters. Also, Gogo cannot equip himself with espers as to increase a specific ability.

History: Little is known about this man/woman. Gogo claims to be the last of the mimicers, but there are rumors that he might be someone else. Some say it's Emperor Gestahl having landed on triangel island when he was kicked off the floating island by Kefka. Some also say that it is Daryl, Setzer's loved one. But some also say that it is Baram, the one who commited crimes along with Clyde Arrowny (A.K.A. Shadow).