Meet me
Hi im Locke the creator of World of Balance!
Im kinda reckless and destructive but i try
to make sure this website stays neat and tidy.
If you people out there want more Coverage on
the Earlier Final Fantasy's you got it I'm workin
on them right now but if you people out there have
any info on them send it to me i need faq's
item list's monster list's pic's everything!
Remember you can be a part of the World of Balance
Crew just click here
Well thats only a little bout me.
So long.^__^
Meet *~Haplo~* or
Hi! Im Haplo the new man on the
World Of Balance staff! I will be working
on the Gameshark and codes part of the page.
Check Back here or the top for any recent
updates or additions i have made recently!
Im kinda new and i cant promise you that i
will have new codes right away. The page
has Final Fantasy Anthology codes and i
will be adding FF7 and FF8 codes along
with any other games you might need me
to inform uou on or if i feel nessecary!
I will be pleased to take any of your E mails
and question or complaints if codes dont work!
Please report a Broken or even misworking code ASAP!!
This will help eliminate problems! These codes are
for newbies to RPGs or if you have beaten the game
and would like to get all secrets!
I would actually tell you to play through
the game first and then use the codes!!
Well Catch you guys on the Flip Side!!